Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smallville "False Advertising" and The Return of Lex Luthor

After Smallville was pushed back a week I was furious! It really annoyed me, since I was looking forward for the show returning and also knowing in the back of my head this is the final season and I want to get all the Smallville I can. So instead of breaking things or starting fights with random people I made a video. I took the idea of "False Advertising" and used it to announce fake guest star returns that would be awesome, but would never happen.

Also I wanted to use the kick-ass song Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy for a video!

Now there was a lot of negative reactions when news broke that Michael Rosenbaum wasn't going to return, but I was not angry with him. Many people complained and wanted his head on a platter. I still held hope that some thing would happen before the finale. I don't believe anything until it comes from the actual source. Same thing with those rumors about the new Supeman film, whether its good or bad rumors are rumors until they are confirmed.

On a side note, I am really excited for this new Superman movie and I am totally on board with Henry Cavill as the new Man of Steel. Unlike some fans I would enjoy watching Tom Welling, Brandon Routh or Henry Cavill as Superman.

The video itself was something I have been working on for a while. I had some of Lex's audio in the beginning and the music itself set up. I wanted to use Kanye West's "Power" because it kind of described Lex on different levels. For instance the lyrics, "No one man should have all that power" can describe Lex's situation as the ruthless business man of metropolis or it could be Lex's view on Superman/Clark that no one person should have all those super powers.

Yes that 1:23 video was supposed to have layers...

Any way, I was ecstatic when Michael Rosenbaum announced his return and wanted to make a video that showed it and I hope everyone enjoyed it.