Friday, June 17, 2011

The Death of Superman - Funeral For A Friend

I got a message from tnr105 on youtube suggesting a the idea for this video. They pointed out some really cool scenes I could use and I was immediately hooked on the idea. At first it was going to be a stand alone video and not an action packed trailer, but the project evolved into an alternate/companion trailer to A World Without Superman. I found some music that reminded me of the first Watchmen trailer, which I tried to based the Death of Superman video that was pulled off of youtube so I thought it would be a good fit. Here's the synoposis:

Since the death of Superman the world has been thrown into turmoil, Oliver has turned to drinking (as well as Perry White) and Lois mourns the man of steel's tombstone. The entire Justice League is in full action, especially Cyborg who wants to keep his promise to Clark. Kara is back at the farm and meets Brainiac who might have a solution to bring back Superman. Lex looks back into his past and realizes who much of friend Clark was to him and is ready to release his latest experiment, Connor Kent. Brainiac makes Bizarro lose his mind as he puts Jonathan into the hospital and attacks Lex. With Supergirl trapped in the phantom zone, Bizarro has made his full transformation into the villain.